Our ultimate aim is to be the go-to place for great videos about South West Food and Drink. We will be bringing these together in a YouTube FoodZooSW channel.
Whether it is the Food Festivals such as Exeter Food and Drink, chef spots such as watching Noel Corston or Mark Dodson conjure their magic, or just hunting down the newest producers and the hidden gems we will be chasing anything we think will make great video content to showcase the best of the South West.
We will also be working with our clients to get them the best digital media content, made to broadcast TV quality but at a price that will often be cheaper than a half-page local magazine advert.
We will be supporting all this with go-to social media sites. We plan to be leading the online conversation about South West food and drink.
We're on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as well as YouTube, Why not take a look at our pick of the picks before you click away from this site?